Invest in Tanzania

With the establishment of the TIC (Tanzania Investment Centre), investing in Tanzania for both citizens and foreigners is no longer mind-tiring and soul frustrating process provided the potential investor has met the minimum requirements especially on capital.

The best and recommended approach would be for a potential investor(s) to start a local company or register a foreign company with BRELA. With an investment capital of $100,000 and $500,000 for locally and foreign owned enterprise respectively, it will entitle the potential investor(s) to be registered by TIC and to apply for certificate of incentives which carries with it various benefits including tax reliefs, access to land (derivative rights) and automatic immigrant quota of up to five people. It should be noted that, none of the procedure is compulsory and various options are available for any person wishing to invest or start a business in Tanzania. 

For more details on the requirements, process and procedures for investing in Tanzania visit or contact our Team for guidance